Donate Sheet Music & Books

We gladly accept donations of new and gently used sheet music and music books for all instruments and other teaching materials.

When we receive your donation, we let our teachers pull out anything they can use in their classes and lessons or that a specific student can benefit from. We also have a shelf of music for students to take at will.

The rest we sell on eBay to raise funds to purchase the standard method books we need or supplies such as reeds, rosin, and strings.

If you would like to donate sheet music, music books or other materials, you may bring them or ship them (via USPS media mail rate) to:


c/o St. Paul United Methodist Church

1500 6th Ave N

Birmingham, AL 35203

Due to the church's renovations, please send donations to:


c/o Jeane Goforth

220 72nd St S

Birmingham, AL 35206

We will provide a receipt for tax purposes.

Questions? Email us.